Emacs Lisp: use speech on your computer by using festival.el and Festival Speech system

Emacs Lisp: use speech on your computer by using festival.el and Festival Speech system

Festival already has its GNU Emacs Support, just install festival package in your GNU/Linux distribution and you will gain soon functions to output speech. Yes, instead of messages in your Emacs minibuffer, now you can hear the real speech and in several languages. Emacs could thus remind you of new emails or new messages coming and it could tell you about finished tasks or commands. Sounds nice?

If I turn on the variable rcd-speak then function speak is going to work. This uses festival.el from Festival speech package. Look it up in your GNU/Linux list of system packages.

(setq rcd-speak t)

(defun speak (string)
  "Returnes speech by using festival"
  (if rcd-speak
      (festival-say-string string)))

Make your GNU Emacs speak today!

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