Emacs Lisp: Azбukцeдa or azbukceda is a new mixture of cyrillic and latin alphabet as used in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Emacs Lisp: Azбukцeдa or azbukceda is a new mixture of cyrillic and latin alphabet as used in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Azбukцeдa or azbukceda is a new mixture of cyrillic and latin alphabet as used in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is mixture that is readable by every citizen of the country. Instead of using two alphabets the members of the society Eko Kultura speak and write in one united alphabet named azbukceda. This is new Emacs Lisp input method to write Azбukцeдa.


  1. Botanički vrt ‘Vrućica’, kolijevka grada Banjaluka (foto)

  2. Kolijevka Banjaluke

  3. Aktivisti udruženja “Eko-kultura” napravili novu banju na plaži Vrućica

  4. Dragoslav Kantar, volunteer and inventor of Azбukцeдa

;; Azбukцeдa is new alphabet used in Bosnia and Herzegovina that
;; unites the cyrillic and latin alphabets together.
;; Invented by volunteer and tourism promoter Mr. Dragoslav Kantar
;; Reference: https://www.6yka.com/novosti/botanicki-vrt-vrucica-kolijevka-grada-banjaluka-foto
;; https://www.facebook.com/Kolijevka-Banjaluke-288794375585/

 "аzбukцeдa-strana" "Unicode" "Azбukцeдa" t
 "Azбukцeдa input method (rule: Lj -> Љ, NJ -> Њ, CH -> Ћ, CC -> Ч, DZZ -> Џ, ZZ -> Ž, DD -> Đ)"
  nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)

 ("B" ?Б)
 ("b" ?б)
 ("C" ?Ц)
 ("c" ?ц)
 ("D" ?Д)
 ("d" ?д)
 ("F" ?Ф)
 ("f" ?ф)
 ("G" ?Г)
 ("g" ?г)
 ("H" ?Х)
 ("h" ?х)
 ("Lj" ?Љ)
 ("LJ" ?Љ)
 ("lj" ?љ)
 ("NJ" ?Њ)
 ("Nj" ?Њ)
 ("nj" ?њ)
 ("P" ?П)
 ("p" ?п)
 ("Ć" ?Ћ)
 ("Ch" ?Ћ)
 ("CH" ?Ћ)
 ("ch" ?ћ)
 ("Č" ?Ч)
 ("CC" ?Ч)
 ("Cc" ?Ч)
 ("cc" ?ч)
 ("DZZ" ?Џ)
 ("Dzz" ?Џ)
 ("DŽ" ?Џ)
 ("Dž" ?Џ)
 ("dž" ?џ)
 ("dzz" ?џ)
 ("ZZ" ?Ž)
 ("Zz" ?Ž)
 ("zz" ?ž)
 ("SS" ?Š)
 ("Ss" ?Š)
 ("ss" ?š)
 ("DD" ?Đ)
 ("Dd" ?Đ)
 ("dd" ?đ))

;;; Test
;;; aбцдeфгхijklљmnњoпrsštћuvzŽЧЏĐ

Azбukцeдa may be good option to unite people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to enjoy in warm and natural spring water at the entrance of the city.

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