Emacs Lisp: Tihs is itneretsing ftuncion taht wlil scarmble the txet in scuh a manenr taht it stlil ramiens readable.

Emacs Lisp: Tihs is itneretsing ftuncion taht wlil scarmble the txet in scuh a manenr taht it stlil ramiens readable.

This interesting Emacs Lisp function in scrambling text in such a manner that it still remains readable, so called jumbled letters. Use GNU Emacs to send funny text to your friends.

A text like this one may be scrambled to text as below.

It seemed indeed as if the whole country in that direction was on fire—a broad hillside set with minute tongues of flame, swaying and writhing with the gusts of the dying storm, and throwing a red reflection upon the cloud scud above. Every now and then a haze of smoke from some nearer conflagration drove across the window and hid the Martian shapes. I could not see what they were doing, nor the clear form of them, nor recognise the black objects they were busied upon. Neither could I see the nearer fire, though the reflections of it danced on the wall and ceiling of the study. A sharp, resinous tang of burning was in the air.

It smeeed indeed as if the whole cnuotry in taht direction was on fire—a broad hilslide set wtih minute tongeus of flaem, swaying and wrhiting wtih the gutss of the dying sotrm, and thwirong a red refleioctn uopn the cluod sucd avboe. Every now and tehn a hzae of somke form smoe neearr cgonflaration drvoe arcoss the window and hid the Mtraian shapes. I could not see waht tehy wree doing, nor the claer from of thme, nor rcoegnise the baclk objetcs tehy wree bsueid uopn. Niether culod I see the neearr fire, though the reflieoctns of it dnaecd on the wlal and ceiilng of the stduy. A srhpa, rnesoius tnag of bninurg was in the ari.

(defun scramble-word (word)
  "Randoimze the cahcraters of a sritng but not fisrt and lsat "
  (let* ((first (substring word 0 1))
     (length (length word))
     (last (substring word (1- length) length)))
    (if (<= length 3)
      (if (= length 4)
      (concat first (substring word 2 3) (substring word 1 2) last)
    (let* ((middle (substring word 1 (1- length)))
           (rnd (length middle))
           (empty-str "")
           (chars (delete empty-str (split-string middle empty-str)))
           (rand-chars (sort chars (lambda (_ __) (zerop (random rnd)))))
           (rand-str (mapconcat 'identity rand-chars ""))
           (new-word (concat first rand-str last)))

(defun scramble-string (string)
  "Returns string of scrambled words"
  (let* ((split (split-string string))
     (out (with-output-to-string
        (dolist (word split)
          (princ (scramble-word word))
          (princ " ")))))

(defun scramble-region (start end)
  "Scramble marked region of text"
  (interactive "r")
  (if (region-active-p)
    (let* ((s (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
           (replacement (scramble-string s)))
      (delete-region start end)
      (insert replacement))
    (message "Tehre was no aivcte reigon to scmrable ")))

;; Reference:

;; Why your brain can read jumbled letters:
;; https://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/stories/why-your-brain-can-read-jumbled-letters

If somebody finds a way to do a loop so that 5 letter words and longer never comes out same, let me know. I wish to improve this function.

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