Central Files: meta_fields table

Central Files: meta_fields table

Central Files is management of personal information. Any information that belongs to any person is managed in Central Files. Everything relating to communication with any person that ever contacted the organization is managed in such collection. The table meta_fields is necessary requirement for Gedafe generic database frontend. We may have use of it.

As given and explained in the documentation of Gedafe the Generic Database Frontend there is need for the meta_fields and meta_tables tables.

The Gedafe software will enable us to have additional web interface for Central Files personal information management system, though I will focus on management within the GNU Emacs computing and operating environment that includes text editor and programming language Emacs Lisp.

The table meta_fields will have just 4 fields:

  1. meta_fields_table - it will contain the table name.

  2. meta_fields_field - it will contain the field of the table.

  3. meta_fields_attribute - it will contain the attribute related to the field.

  4. meta_fields_value - it will contain the value of the attribute

The SQL recipe to create the meta_fields table is here below.

-- Name: meta_fields; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -

CREATE TABLE public.meta_fields (
    meta_fields_table name,
    meta_fields_field name,
    meta_fields_attribute text,
    meta_fields_value text

COMMENT ON COLUMN public.meta_fields.meta_fields_table IS 'Table';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.meta_fields.meta_fields_field IS 'Field';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.meta_fields.meta_fields_attribute IS 'Attribute';
COMMENT ON COLUMN public.meta_fields.meta_fields_value IS 'Value';

ALTER TABLE ONLY public.meta_fields
    ADD CONSTRAINT meta_fields_meta_fields_table_key UNIQUE (meta_fields_table, meta_fields_field, meta_fields_attribute, meta_fields_value);


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