;;; (C) Copyright 2016 by louis@gnusocial.club
;;; I hereby place this into the public domain
;;; Advertising: for help with the GNU operating system running with
;;; the Linux kernel contact http://gnu.support
;;; This program helps with the creation of the file for the batch
;;; upload images and videos to GNU Mediagoblin database. Please see
;;; about the MediaGoblin here: http://mediagoblin.org/
;;; It shall be run with files to be described on the command line
;;; Do not expect it to be perfect. It prepairs the batch file for you
;;; but you better be smart and edit the batch file for correctness
;;; Configuration
;;; define here your main program to view videos and images
;;; I don't know what is it on your side, maybe xdg-open I cannot know...
(define rcd-media-viewer "rox")

;;; Define here your username for mediagoblin
(define gmg-user "mediasyogm")

;;; this is the name of your batch file, you will transfer the batch
;;; file and the media, images, videos on your MediaGoblin server and
;;; you will later run your batch file to quickly insert media into
;;; your MediaGoblin
(define gmg-description-file "gmg-batch.sh")

;;; Define the default license
(define default-license "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/")

;;; we start here, and load few modules
(use-modules (ice-9 ftw))
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
(use-modules (ice-9 readline))
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))

;;; it should be clear, that if no media is specified on the command
;;; line that program shall not run, it quits.
(if (null? (cdr (program-arguments)))
    (begin (display "No files specified.\n") (quit)))

;;; files-to-describe is the list of files on the command line
(define files-to-describe (cdr (program-arguments)))

;;; this function will check if files are readable
(define rcd-can-read-file
    (if (not (access? file R_OK))
	   (string-append "Cannot read the file: " file "\nABORTED\n"))

;;; we run through the list and check if each of files are readable
(for-each rcd-can-read-file files-to-describe)

;;; we will only append to the file, and not overwrite it, that is "a"
;;; in this definition
(define gmg-port (open-file gmg-description-file "a"))

(define ask-question
    (set-readline-prompt! question)
    (let ((answer ""))
      (set! answer (readline)) answer)))

;;; TODO: trim - from both sides
(define rcd-make-slug
     (regexp-substitute/global #f " " slug 'pre "-" 'post))))

(define rcd-trim-and-quote
    (string-append "\"" (string-trim-both s) "\"")))

(define rcd-trim-tags
    (string-join (map string-trim-both (string-split s #\,)) ",")))

(define gmg-ask-questions
  (lambda (file)
    (display (string-append "\n\nFILE: " file "\n"))
	((title (string-capitalize! (ask-question "Title: ")))
	 (description (string-upcase (ask-question "Description: ") 0 1))
;;	 (license (ask-question "License: "))
	 (tags (rcd-trim-tags (ask-question "Tags: ")))
	 (slug (rcd-make-slug (ask-question "Slug: "))))
      (string-append "./bin/gmg addmedia " gmg-user " gmg/" file
		     " --title \"" title "\""
                     " --description \"" description "\""
		     " --license \"" default-license "\""
		     " --tags \"" tags "\""
		     " --slug \"" slug "\""))))

(define rcd-trim-and-quote-list
    (for-each rcd-trim-and-quote s)))

(define gmg-ask-and-write
  (lambda (file)
    (system (string-append rcd-media-viewer " " file))
    (write-line (gmg-ask-questions file) gmg-port)))

(for-each gmg-ask-and-write files-to-describe)
(close-output-port gmg-port)